Sunday, May 3, 2009

Being Young

Being young is a blissful experience.Adults often reminisce about their younger days with great fondness and wish they could be transported back into the past to relieve those days.

What is it about young that people find so appealing and irresistible?Well,first of all there is lack of responsibilities.Once you get older your responsibilities multiply.When you are young ,all you have to do is take care of yourselves.

Your parents provide you with food,a roof over your head and pocket money to spend.All that is required of you is to go to school,do your best in your studies and behave yourself before the elders.

Young people enjoy a carefree existence.Everybody finds their own group of friends. They start to enjoy more freedom from their parents and spent most of their times with their friends.They want to be cool in the eyes of their peers by showing the ways their dress,the music their listen to and the movies their watch.

The teenage years are often associated with being young than the childhood years.Despite having more responsibilities compared to young children,teens still have a lot of time to indulge in hobbies and activities.

Compared to adults,teenagers are more likely to be rash and careless in what they do.They often do not consider the consequences of their actions.This apparent inability to tell right fromwrong leads some teenagers onto activities which sometimes endanger themselves.However, this recklessness seems to be part of the culture of being young.

The other part of being young which people find so appealing is the physical condition of a young person.Young people are in the peak of physical fitness.Their bodies are strong and free from aches and pains.

Being young is a very special experience and it should be enjoyed to the fullest but not without losing sight of one’s responsibility to oneself.

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